Chestnut Mound United Methodist Church
Sunday, March 30, 2025

Pastor's Page of Welcome and Introduction



Welcome to the pastor's page of the Chestnut Mound United Methodist Church. 

These are exciting times at Chestnut Mound United Methodist Church, and I thank God for allowing me to be a part of it. My wife, Dolores, and I are thrilled to become a part of God's ministry in this community.
This is a very warm and spirit-filled small membership church with a desire to be a part of the lives of the people around us. The United Methodist Church over the world believes in "Open doors, open heart, and open minds." We want to practice this here at Chestnut Mound! We invite you and your family to come and worship with us. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or needs that we might be able to help with.
We have Church (Sunday) School each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Services at 11:00 a.m. Other activities are held at various times such as revivals, special singings, covered dish dinners, etc. Everyone is welcome at any and all services. The scheduling of these can be found in the Upcoming Activities page on this web site. 
I received my first appointment as a United Methodist pastor in 1968 in the Cumberland District. All of my appointments have been in the Tennessee Annual Conference. I was born and reared in the southwestern corner of Smith County in the small community of Grant. I attended Gordonsville High School, Volunteer State College, University of Tennessee, and Cambridge State University. My theological studies were done at Candler School of Theology at Emory University where I finished the United Methodist Course of Study.
Dolores was born and reared in Wilson County, the daughter of Sadie Kolbe Hemontolor and Dewey Hemontolor. She attended Lebanon High School, Cumberland University, Middle Tennessee State University and Tennessee Tech University. Dolores spent twenty-eight years teaching at Watertown High School before retiring in 2008.
We have a son, Richard Wayland Johnson, and a daughter Melissa Allyson Morgan, and four grandchildren. Our first grandchild, Adam, was killed in a motorcycle accident while serving in the United States Marines.
Thank you for taking the time to learn something about Chestnut Mound United Methodist Church and its pastoral family. We sincerely hope that you will come and grow with us as a part of God's people.
In Christian Love,
Dickie W. Johnson, Pastor